Wrenched into existence from a violent passion project, Young Philistine’s Bad First Impressions takes you on a reckless joyride down the freeway with no rearview mirrors or breaks. The album is loud, and aggressive, wearing its influences on its sleeve, with riffs that harken back to Queen of the Stone Age and the kind of catchy hooks you’d find on an old Fall Out Boy Album.

We are a true blue indie band—writing and recording to mastering and promotion is done independently by our band.

Erwin “Sammy Hollywood” Carpio

Michael “Castle Man” Palacio

Joshua “Juan Pablo Jones” Carpio

Jesse “Apollo Poison” Carpio

William “D.B.” Tyler


Photography By Samantha Rush | Photo Editing & Graphic Deisgn By Erwin Carpio

“Don’t blame the slurred words on the spirits

We’re not haunted its just the lime and tonic

I’ve lost the plot, I know exactly how this ends

Couldn’t see the forest fire for the flame”