Stoney ass nerd metal? Nerdy ass stoner metal?? Look no further! We are Ostracized and have been terrorizing Northern Nevada for 11 years now with no intention of slowing down or stopping. The four of us came together, oh so long ago, with one goal in mind: Make some motherfucking metal. Regardless of what might be trendy or "cool" we all just wanted to play fast and make something brutal. We are the original lineup and continue to push each other out of our comfort zones and out of the norm. If you want songs derived from Stephen King stories, we got you. You want some video game death metal? We got you. You want a song about shitting the bed, god's cock and/or a Cypress Hill cover??!!! Then look no further. We can't wait to see you at the next show.

We have two full length albums: The Oblivion Gate and Ostrosatanico. We also have an EP: Tales of Horror. And our second EP: The Aqua Teen EP coming soon. Very soon.

Ugo E. Daillarian - Vocals

Tyrell "Warhammer" Cruz - Bass

Kevin "Lord Ake" Passow - Guitar

Kevin "Felipendejo" Montoya - Drums

Photo credit: @zodiak.iller, @stinkeye_images