ANURA, consists of four high school friends who unexpectedly came together to break the local scene and create new waves in the music community with 80's, 90's, and 00's riffs, hooks, and solos inspired by their longtime hero's and influences to create something new in the scene and what's to come. They describe their sound as something nostalgic for the older crowd, yet something new and original for the younger ones. With something new and original within each song, they strive to break the conformity of what is the "Reno" sound and make a point to be different in every aspect possible. Heavy breakdowns, with melodic riffs. Intricate drums with complimented simplicity. Driving bass with the heartbeat, driving force of rhythm. Beautiful but angst vocals to provide a sense of range. And rhythm based guitar with complimented leads and solos to give the final touch of this hard rock, ass kicking, whiskey loving band to take its rightful place in the Reno scene and make their mark on what will be the greatest shift in the community. Anura is not just some band who got together to make music and have fun. Anura is on a mission, and that mission is to shine a whole new light on the scene and showcase the talent and endless possibilities that all local artists have to show.  

Jordyn- Vocals @jordynedwards01

Danny- Guitar @vsinns

Kyle- Bass @kyle_jacobs_97

Dylan- Drums @dylansaxon

“Alive and only going forward

Ours for the taking

They'll say there's no way that we're worth saving

Tonight is gonna be a long one

We're gonna make it

Gotta show them that we're not playing”